Saturday, October 21, 2006

These videos hit a cord as a mother of a young girl, but also as a female and simply as a human being. We have very far to go to turn this around.



Birch said...

Those were great. The first one really hammers the point home that the people we see in advertisements and magazines aren't real. I'm sure that part is true for men as well. Those things are out there for the sole purpose of crippling self-esteem to sell products that supposedly allow us to self-actualize and love ourselves. Rant off before I hurt the intarwub.

Andrea said...

Simple, yet poignant. Right on for Dove!

Allyson said...

I won't link to any of the sites I've found, because I don't want to invite the rath of the site owners, but if you do a google for "professional photo retouching portfolio" you'll find a lot of sites with before and after samples of their retouching work. Scary stuff, when you consider how far out of touch this puts people with what a REAL PERSON looks like.